Autocrop images using ImageEditor

Is there a way to autocrop images using ImageEditor. The autocrop:true only works if the user clicks on the crop image option, otherwise the image can be submitted uncropped.

I would love to know if there is a way to trigger this from outside as we would need to force users to upload a specific aspect ratio.


Hey there, please weigh in on this thread: Autocrop images using ImageEditor

sorry, was that message meant for me ?

Yes, i think you requested a feature for the Image Editor? Iā€™m trying to bundle those in one thread our folks can more easily vote & discuss and our devs will be able to prioritize :slight_smile:

but you referenced this thread?

Hey, not sure what happen with this. @BoKKeR did you find any workaround?
I also need show cropped images to the user before uploading.

