Hello. I am trying to use tus running in Wildfly 10. For my backend I am using Terri Schwartz’s Java Servlet (tus_servlet). When I run the servlet in jetty (mvn jetty:run), it works perfectly. When I try to run it in our server, Wildfly 10, I get the following error returned to the client: “Method PATCH is not defined in RFC 2068 and is not supported by the Servlet API”.
I’m assuming this is some kind of configuration setting withing Wildfly? Has anyone else encountered this?
Hi Chris, I don’t have any experience with Java Servlets, so I unfortunately cannot help you. I would recommend you to try to contact Terri Schwartz directly at https://github.com/terrischwartz/tus_servlet.
I also want to compliment you on tus.io. I have a requirement to upload 50gb files. I first tried using flowjs. It only worked in Chrome. IE crashed after 10gb, and Edge after 5gb. I’ve switched to tus.io, and it works in all 3, and is about twice as fast.