I want to make a custom uploader with uppy

Issue with Progress Bars in Uppy Plugin
I’m currently working on a custom Uppy plugin called MinioUploader, which utilizes an underlying S3FileFieldClient to upload files to a Minio server. The file uploads are successful; however, I’m having trouble getting the progress bars to work as expected.
I’m emitting the upload-progress event with progress information, but the progress bars in the Uppy UI are not updating during the upload.

I’m wondering if I missed something in my implementation or if there’s a specific way to integrate progress bars in Uppy when using a custom uploader plugin. Any guidance or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
I’ve implemented progress tracking in my Uppy plugin as follows:

// Define your custom MinioUploader plugin
export default class MinioUploader extends BasePlugin {
    constructor(uppy, opts) {
        super(uppy, opts);
        this.id = 'minioUploader';
        this.type = 'uploader';
        this.title = 'Minio Uploader';

        this.defaultLocale = locale

        this.uploadFile = this.uploadFile.bind(this);
        // Set default options and merge with provided options
        this.opts = Object.assign({
            onProgress: this.onProgress.bind(this),
        }, opts);
        this.client = new S3FileFieldClient(this.opts);

    // Function to upload a file
    async uploadFile(fileIDs) {
        const filesArr = this.uppy.getFiles(); // Access uppy object using this.uppy
        for (const file of filesArr) {
            try {
                const fieldValue = await this.client.uploadFile(
                console.log('Uploaded:', fieldValue);
                // Handle the uploaded file or fieldValue as needed
            } catch (error) {
                console.error('Error uploading file:', error);
                // Handle the upload error
    I've implemented progress tracking in my Uppy plugin as follows:
    onProgress(file, bytesUploaded, bytesTotal) {
        this.uppy.log(`[MinioUploader] ${bytesUploaded} / ${bytesTotal} bytes`);
        this.uppy.emit('upload-progress', file, {
            uploader: this,

    install() {

    uninstall() {

class S3FileFieldClient {
    constructor(options) {
        const { baseUrl, apiConfig = {} } = options;
        this.api = axios.create(Object.assign({}, apiConfig, {
            baseURL: baseUrl.replace(/\/?$/, '/')
        this.onProgress = options.onProgress;

    async initializeUpload(file, fieldId) {
        const response = await this.api.post('upload-initialize/', {
            field_id: fieldId,
            file_name: file.name,
            file_size: file.size,
            content_type: file.type,
        return response.data;

    async uploadParts(file, dataId, parts) {
        const uploadedParts = [];
        let fileOffset = 0;
        for (const part of parts) {
            const chunk = file.slice(fileOffset, fileOffset + part.size);
            const response = await this.api.put(part.upload_url, chunk, {
                onUploadProgress: (e) => {
                    // Emit Uppy's 'upload-progress' event with progress information

                part_number: part.part_number,
                size: part.size,
                etag: response.headers.etag
            fileOffset += part.size;
        return uploadedParts;

    async completeUpload(multipartInfo, parts) {
        const response = await this.api.post('upload-complete/', {
            upload_signature: multipartInfo.upload_signature,
            upload_id: multipartInfo.upload_id,

        const { complete_url: completeUrl, body } = response.data;
        await axios.post(completeUrl, body, {
            headers: { 'Content-Type': null }

    async finalize(multipartInfo) {
        const response = await this.api.post('finalize/', {
            upload_signature: multipartInfo.upload_signature
        return response.data.field_value;

    async uploadFile(file, dataId, fieldId) {
        try {
            const multipartInfo = await this.initializeUpload(file, fieldId);
            const parts = await this.uploadParts(file, dataId, multipartInfo.parts);
            await this.completeUpload(multipartInfo, parts);
            const value = await this.finalize(multipartInfo);
            return value;
        } catch (e) {
            console.error('Error uploading file:', e.message);