Hi everyone!
Apologies in advance. I know this is not Uppy related per se but we can’t get Facebook to approve the needed permissions to use Instagram Provider.
The demo of the site works so it’s obviously possible and they have approved the media permissions. However, we are having issues getting the instagram_graph_user_profile
one approved. We’ve provided a screencast of our app using Uppy and getting the images but for whatever reason is not enough.
This is their response:
Hi Team,
While reviewing this submission, we were unable to verify the requested permission because the use case details provided were unclear. We noticed that your use case details did not clearly explain or give guidance on how the permission was being used.
The instagram_graph_user_profile permission allows the app to read the username of the Instagram account and provides a way to determine if the requested account is professional or a personal account.. The allowed usage for this permission is to read fields in an Instagram user profile, (i.e username, user id, and account type).
For the next submission, please provide us with a verifiable use case for the review team to test and verify the functionality of the requested permission. Please make sure to take note of the allowed usage of the permission and try to base the use case details on it.
Please re-submit accordingly and we will rereview the submission.
Thank you!
But we don’t use the user profile at all and I don’t think Uppy needs it.
Has anyone a similar experience and could share how to get it approved?
Thank you!