Instagram and Facebook integrations broken for me and on Uppy Examples

It appears that Facebook and Instagram are both broken for Transloadit, even on the Uppy Examples page: Uppy

Facebook error text: “App not active: This app is not accessible right now and the app developer is aware of the issue. You will be able to log in when the app is reactivated.”

Instagram error text: Invalid Request: Request parameters are invalid: Invalid scope: user_profile

It appears there were Meta API changes on December 4.

I have a question to Transloadit support but also wondered if anyone in the community is getting around these errors by providing their own API credentials? IIRC, this would be done by using a Template Credential. I’d try it myself but Meta is slow to provide API keys — I haven’t been able to yet.

Alternatively, is anyone successfully using fully self-hosted versions of these Uppy plugins today?

I’m facing the same issues. So I guess yeah changes need to be done for Facebook and Instagram.

see Instagram API Deprecation · Issue #5455 · transloadit/uppy · GitHub