Error creating thumbnail from page 1 of PDF


I’m attempting to generate a thumbnail from the first page of a PDF. I use the parameter page: 1 in my assembly but the a thumbnail is generated from the last page of the PDF and all the colors are incorrect. If I remove the page parameter and allow thumbnails to be generated from all pages of the PDF, the generated PNG file labelled page_001.png is the first page of the PDF document and the thumbnail looks as expected.

This is the relevant part of my assembly:

pdf_thumb: {
            use: [":original"],
            robot: "/document/thumbs",
            result: true,
            page: 1,
            width: 200,
            height: 500,
            resize_strategy: "fit",
            imagemagick_stack: "v2.0.7"

I have attached the generated thumbnails for reference (first image is generated from all pages and is the expected result; second image is the generated from the first page of the pdf).

Thanks for your help!


Hi laurad,

this is Florian from Transloadit.
I would be happy to assist on this topic!

Can you please open a ticket on our support system and send me an Assembly ID of one erroneous assembly? This would help us with keeping track of all the relevant errors :slight_smile:

You can find our Intercom integration in the lower right corner of the hompage

Awaiting your response!

Hi Florian,

Thank you for your response but I’ve actually found the cause of the issue. I’m also using the "/image/resize" robot and it was the output from that robot that was generating the thumbnail from the last page of the thumbnail.


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Hi Laura,

that’s great! I will close this topic now.
