Developer Wanted

Reply if interested. Urgent help required.

  • MERN application

  • upload media multipart - video and audio support required

  • export to AWS with JWT authentication

  • playback video in preview

Hello, are you requesting one of our team’s developers to help you out with this project? If so please note we do not offer outsourcing.

No, I am asking all the peoples of the transloadit community. Come hither. Answer the call. Your expertise shall be rewarded.

Okay, I’ll leave this post up to inform other readers who may have the same idea. This forum site is for questions related to our services, not for advertising job positions.

Joseph of intercom on advised me to post here which is the reasont that I posted here.

And as we are looking for someone to integrate your company’s services into our app, I don’t know the reason you would discourage that.

Still looking for someone? Can’t figure out how to send you a DM.