Why do I keep seeing this "No matching export" error

Hi, I’m new to using npm and don’t understand these errors I’m seeing.

I’m trying to implement the code from this page Transloadit | Uppy and I’ve run:
npm install @uppy/core @uppy/transloadit @uppy/dashboard

When I start my npm server I see many export errors and I’m not sure how to resolve them. Namely they are:
-No matching export in “node-modules-polyfills:fs” for import “ReadStream”
-No matching export in “node-modules-polyfills:crypto” for import “createHash”
-No matching export in “node-modules-polyfills:fs” for import “createReadStream”
-No matching export in “node-modules-polyfills:fs” for import “promises”
-No matching export in “node-modules-polyfills:fs” for import “readFile”

Any advice?

Hi, this seems unrelated to Uppy as we don’t provide polyfills. Can’t you just upgrade your Node version to latest LTS to remove the need for polyfills?

Thanks for your reply Merlijn. I have tried as you suggested but it seems to be a problem only when I use import Transloadit from '@uppy/transloadit';. I’m trying to use this within a react application, is that the problem? Because this is for node.js only?

No it also works in the browser. But I can’t help you as this issue is about your build setup and there is no information here for me to help. You’re doing something with node-modules-polyfills?

OK it appears this is an issue in remix with node-modules-polyfills that’s currently being addressed. Thanks for your help.

If you’re using Remix you could try this remix.config.js | Remix as Uppy is ESM-only. Uppy also can’t be server-side rendered so perhaps you may need to do something to make sure it’s only rendered on the client too.