Hello, I am using Uppy in a react project to upload 5K+ images together, and the progress for each files should be updated in real time. when uploading large number of files the app crashes but when uploading 50 images everything works fine. if I stopped updating the state on each ‘upload-progress’ everything works fine even with the 5K images. So, I think that the ‘upload-progress’ function is updating the state so many times that causes the app to crash.
what do you recommend to update the progress in real-time ?
so I have something like this right now:
import { useState } from "react";
import Uppy from "@uppy/core";
import AwsS3 from "@uppy/aws-s3";
const MiddleSection = ({ setProgressFilePer }) => {
const updateFileProgress = (fileId, progress) => {
setProgressFilePer((prevFiles) => {
// Find the index of the item you want to update
const index = prevFiles.findIndex((el) => el?.fileId === fileId);
// If the item exists, update it
if (index !== -1) {
return prevFiles.map((file, i) =>
i === index ? { ...file, progress: progress } : file
// If the item doesn't exist, add it
return [...prevFiles, { fileId: fileId, progress: progress }];
uppy.on("upload-progress", (file, progress) => {
Math.floor((progress?.bytesUploaded / progress?.bytesTotal) * 100)
const Progress = ({ progress }) => {
<div className="barGreen" style={{ width: `${progress}%` }}></div>;
const LeftSection = ({ files, progressPerFile }) => {
return (
{files.map((el) => {
const image = progressPerFile?.find((f) => el?.id === f.fileId);
return (
<Progress counter={image?.progress} />
const App = () => {
const [progressPerFile, setProgressPerFile] = useState([]);
const [files, setFiles] = useState([]);
const uppyInstance = (allowedFileTypes, id) => {
return new Uppy({
id: id,
autoProceed: false,
restrictions: {
allowedFileTypes, // Set allowed file types
}).use(AwsS3, {
companionUrl: "/api/upload-center/",
limit: 5,
getChunkSize: () => 30,
shouldUseMultipart: (file) => file.size > 50 * 1024 * 1024,
companionHeaders: {
"access-token": api_token,
const [imagesUppy] = useState(() =>
uppyInstance(["image/jpg", "image/jpeg"], "ImageSeriesDropzone")
return (
<LeftSection files={files} progressPerFile={progressPerFile} />