Uppy Laravel uploading File + DB insert

try to put uppy into my laravel project

trying to fix: - the post method
- data uploading

help me with it it would be very appreciated.
THANK YOU :slight_smile: !!!

Hi, you provide no information to help. Quality answers come from quality questions. Please provide as much context as possible, such as a reproducible example, code samples, uppy plugins, and error messages.

Should i use XHRUpload or Form i need to get the request with my function saveimage

There is still not information to help unfortunately. Please refer to my previous suggestions for quality questions.

i am trying to use ZHRUpload locally, everything work except my file is not uploaded

this is my uppy script :

              import {

                        } from "https://releases.transloadit.com/uppy/v3.3.1/uppy.min.mjs"
                        var uppy = new Uppy()

                            .use(Dashboard, {
                                inline: true,
                                target: '#drag-drop-area',
                                theme: 'dark',


                            .use(Webcam, {
                                target: Dashboard

                            .use(ImageEditor, {
                                target: Dashboard

                            .use(XHRUpload, {
                                endpoint: routeUrl,
                                fieldName: 'image-01[]',
                                headers: headers

                        uppy.on('upload-success', (file, response) => {
                            var file_path = response.body.path;
                            var file_name = response.body.name;
                            var file_blob = new Blob([file.data], {
                                type: file.type
                            fetch(`${routeUrl}`, {
                                    method: 'POST',
                                    body: file_blob
                                .then(response => {
                                    console.log(`File moved to ${routeUrl}`);
                                .catch(error => {

Thank you

is this part of the code suppose to upload the file to my endpoint directly ? the documentation doesnโ€™t talk to much about local,

  .use(XHRUpload, {
                                endpoint: routeUrl,
                                fieldName: 'image-01[]',
                                headers: headers