While uploading with uppy to webserver, the upload seems to go on to 100% while in the background it really stops after app. 300MB. Then reaching 100% it restarts from the actually uploaded %. So to upload 1GB it takes 4 times and it restarts after about 25%, 50% and 75% within the same upload, with no user interaction.
Please help!
Uploader code:
let uppy_source = Uppy.Core({
autoRetry: true,
retryDelays: [0, 1000, 3000, 5000, 10000],
overridePatchMethod: true, // Because production-servers-setup doesn't support PATCH http requests
chunkSize: 1000 * 1000, // Bytes
restrictions: {
maxFileSize: 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 10,
maxNumberOfFiles: 1,
minNumberOfFiles: 1,
allowedFileTypes: ['image/*', 'video/*', 'application/*', 'application/zip', 'application/x-rar-compressed', 'application/vnd.rar', '.rar', '.zip']
.use(Uppy.Dashboard, {
inline: true,
target: '#drag-drop-area-source',
resume: true,
autoRetry: true,
.use(Uppy.Tus, {
endpoint: window.site_url + "/tus/"