S3 bucket does not allow ACLs status code: 400

I’m trying to handle uploads to my s3 buket using transloadit templte and i got this error :slight_smile: AccessControlListNotSupported: The bucket does not allow ACLs status code: 400
Seems like my buket dont allow it.

Did you setup your bucket correctly?

Yes i have created an iam user with needed policies as asked on the article. I also tested my policy by uploading files to my buket using a php script and it’s working.

How do you upload to Transloadit? Can you provide as much details and integration code as possible?

this is my template . I have set my s3 key and secret code and region to
“steps”: {
“:original”: {
“robot”: “/upload/handle”,
“output_meta”: {
“has_transparency”: false
“exported”: {
“robot”: “/s3/store”,
“use”: “:original”,
“credentials”: “s3-upload-key”

make sure you’re on newest companion version and that COMPANION_AWS_ACL is not set

I finally resolve it by adding “acl”: “private” to parameters inside “exported”

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