I have created custom EXIF plugins like Compressor
And now I am trying to get Exif data in onbeforeupload event it’s undefined
Because the onbeforeupload event executed before EXIF data plugin
I know this case just because when I console the file it has EXIF data,
I have added the EXIF data plugin
`var Translator = require('@uppy/utils/lib/Translator');
var Compressor = require('compressorjs/dist/compressor.common.js');
var Exif = require("exif-js");
var UppyExifData =
function (_Plugin) {
inheritsLoose(UppyExifData, Plugin);
function UppyExifData(uppy, opts) {
var _this;
this = Plugin.call(this, uppy, opts) || this;
this.id = this.opts.id || 'ImageExif';
_this.type = 'modifier';
_this.defaultLocale = {
strings: {
exifImages: 'Geting EXIF data from images...'
var defaultOptions = {
quality: 0.6
this.opts = extends({}, defaultOptions, opts); // we use those internally in `this.compress`, so they
// should not be overriden
delete _this.opts.success;
delete _this.opts.error;
this.prepareUpload = this.prepareUpload.bind(_assertThisInitialized(_this));
this.exifdata = this.exifdata.bind(_assertThisInitialized(_this));
return _this;
var _proto = UppyExifData.prototype;
_proto.setOptions = function setOptions(newOpts) {
_Plugin.prototype.setOptions.call(this, newOpts);
_proto.i18nInit = function i18nInit() {
this.translator = new Translator([this.defaultLocale, this.uppy.locale, this.opts.locale]);
this.i18n = this.translator.translate.bind(this.translator);
this.setPluginState(); // so that UI re-renders and we see the updated locale
_proto.exifdata = function exifdata(blob) {
var _this2 = this;
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
return new Exif.getData(blob, function(){
global_simpletext = blob.exifdata.DateTime;
return resolve(blob);
_proto.prepareUpload = function prepareUpload(fileIDs) {
var _this3 = this;
var promises = fileIDs.map(function (fileID) {
var file = _this3.uppy.getFile(fileID);
_this3.uppy.emit('preprocess-progress', file, {
mode: 'indeterminate',
message: _this3.i18n('exifImages')
if (file.type.split('/')[0] !== 'image') {
return _this3.exifdata(file.data).then(function (compressedBlob) {
_this3.uppy.log("[Image exif] Image " + file.id);
_this3.uppy.setFileState(fileID, {
data: compressedBlob
})["catch"](function (err) {
_this3.uppy.log("[Image exif] Failed to exifdata " + file.id + ":", 'warning');
_this3.uppy.log(err, 'warning');
var emitPreprocessCompleteForAll = function emitPreprocessCompleteForAll() {
fileIDs.forEach(function (fileID) {
var file = _this3.uppy.getFile(fileID);
_this3.uppy.emit('preprocess-complete', file);
}; // Why emit `preprocess-complete` for all files at once, instead of
// above when each is processed?
// Because it leads to StatusBar showing a weird “upload 6 files” button,
// while waiting for all the files to complete pre-processing.
return Promise.all(promises).then(emitPreprocessCompleteForAll);
_proto.install = function install() {
_proto.uninstall = function uninstall() {
return UppyExifData;
module.exports = UppyExifData;
you can see that I have added the console screenshot
Will you please guide me on how can I get this EXIF data in uppy events (onbeforefileadded, onbeforefileupload)?
Your friend