I am in the process of switching from the transloadit jquery sdk to Uppy and I need a simple button to be able to select a single file which is then uploaded upon selection.
I have previously had success using Uppy Dashboard with Transloadit but this is too much UI for a single image upload. However, switching to Uppy.FileInput seems to not actually upload the file. I click the button, select a file and the transloadit step generates the start of an assembly but a file is never actually uploaded so the process gets stuck at the encoding step. Some example code:
var uppyProfileImg = Uppy.Core({
debug: true,
autoProceed: true,
restrictions: {
maxNumberOfFiles: 1,
minNumberOfFiles: 1,
allowedFileTypes: ['image/*'],
.use(Uppy.Transloadit, {
waitForEncoding: true,
waitForMetadata: true,
processZeroFiles: false,
region: 'eu-west-1',
fields: {
personid: $personID,
params: {
auth: { key: app.tl.key },
template_id: app.tl.pi.templateid,
limit: 1,
.use(Uppy.FileInput, {
target: '.ProfileForm',
replaceTargetContent: true,
pretty: true,
inputName: 'profileimage',
locale: {
strings: {
chooseFiles: 'Choose Photo',
.use(Uppy.StatusBar, {
target: '.ProfileProgressBar',
hideUploadButton: false,
hideAfterFinish: false,
The personid field is posted to transloadit but 0 files are uploaded. Is there an extra step required to connect FileInput to Transloadit. The examples only show FileInput being used with XHRUpload.
Any pointers would be appreciated.