Hi Forum,
I am using uppy along with the transloadit as a uploader.
When I upload the first batch of files on the uploader, the files are uploaded successfully on the transloadit. Afterwards completion of the first batch, I added the second batch of the files. But they failed. Showing this error- The error is related to tus, But I am not using Tus as uploader, I am just using Transloadit.
uppy.js:2 [Uppy] [16:19:18] tus: neither an endpoint or an upload URL is provided
error @ uppy.js:2
uppy.js:2 [Uppy] [16:19:18] tus: neither an endpoint or an upload URL is provided
Hi. There’s now an issue on github, which seems to be the same problem - will continue there : uppy with transloadit throws error on 2nd (4th, 6th, etc.) attempt at upload · Issue #5397 · transloadit/uppy · GitHub