Dashboard + ImageEditor seems to skip preprocessing?

I’m using Dashboard from @uppy/react along with the ImageEditor plugin. I need to set minimum height and width of selected files. This doesn’t seem possible natively, closest we can get is setting minimum values in the cropper but this will size images up which isn’t desirable. Instead, I’m trying to use a preprocessor and finding that it’s just not called at all if the ImageEditor plugin is in use!

I’ve confirmed the following:

  • The plugin is installed and its constructor is called.
  • Even without my custom plugin, if I just do an on('preprocess-complete', () => { console.log('HERE'); }), it never fires.
  • If I remove the ImageEditor init, it works.

I have a handful of other pre- and post-processing plugins in this project and they all work but this is the only one that uses the Image Editor.

Any advice is appreciated.

My workaround is to use the file-editor:complete callback. We were previously passing the output of that into a callback that triggers the upload. Now if it fails, we trigger uppy.info to spit an error at them and remove the file so they have to start the process over. It’s really not ideal but it’s something.