Concatenating in wrong order

Hi there,

I’m using the template below to concatenate two audiofiles. However sometimes it happens in the wrong order. It doesn’t seem to make any difference in which order i feed them, the smaller file is always appended to the larger. Any help much appreciated!

“steps”: {
“import”: {
“robot”: “/http/import”,
“url”: “{fields.import_url}" }, "preroll_imported": { "robot": "/http/import", "url": "{fields.preroll_url}”
“concat”: {
“use”: {
“steps”: [
“name”: “preroll_imported”
“name”: “import”
“bundle_steps”: true
“robot”: “/audio/concat”,
“ffmpeg_stack”: “v3.3.3”
“export”: {
“use”: [
“robot”: “/s3/store”,
“credentials”: “S3_test”


Hi Jesper, welcome to our forum! We process as much as we can in parallel, so without specifying what goes first, you may as well flip a coin to determine what will happen next :slight_smile:

To specify what goes first, you can use the use as video_1 syntax. You’ll find an example as part of this demo: in the fifth step.

Let me know if this let’s you get going! Here to assist more if not :ok_hand:

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