Cannot get final name for export 'RequestClient'

I’m receiving this error when trying to build my project

./node_modules/.pnpm/@uppy+aws-s3@3.6.0_@uppy+core@3.8.0/node_modules/@uppy/aws-s3/lib/index.js + 30 modules
Cannot get final name for export ‘RequestClient’ of ./node_modules/.pnpm/@uppy+companion-client@3.7.0/node_modules/@uppy/companion-client/lib/index.js

the project is using NX and Nextjs

"@nx/next": "17.1.2",
"next": "14.1.0",
"@uppy/aws-s3": "^3.5.0",
"@uppy/core": "^3.7.1",

I tried to use the transpiledPackages

transpilePackages: [“@uppy”, “@uppy/aws-s3”, “@uppy/companion-client”],

but didn’t work.

Hi, can you install latest version of all Uppy packages. As far as I know this only happens when something was introduced in a package without upgrade the other packages.