When using XHR uploading from Uppy my uploads will finish as “complete”, showing in the uppy.on(“complete”) event listener but when examining the actual upload it shows that 0% of the video file has actually uploaded. There are also no errors or failures showing up in the “upload-error” event listener. The upload finishes very quickly (within a couple seconds) and seems like it’s completely skipping the transcoding process.
This issue only started showing after upgrading to the latest Uppy version and was working exactly as expected before that. The reason I’m confused is because I went through each upgrade version and made sure to update any outdated code for XHR uploading (and there weren’t even too many changes). I should note that I also use AWS S3 uploading and it’s working just as expected.
importing XHR:
import XHR from '@uppy/xhr-upload'
initializing XHR:
export const uppy = new Uppy({ debug: false });
XHR config:
uppy.use(XHR, {
endpoint: `${global_config.urls.api}api/v1/uploads/xhr`,
allowedMetaFields: ['key', 'id'],
fieldName: 'files[]',
formData: true,
timeout: 5 * 60 * 1000 // 5 minute timeout
starting the upload:
await uppy.upload()