Uppy over script module

I am new on uppy and want to include uppy in my private form-website.

I use the way over script module.

<script type="module">
  import { Uppy, Dashboard, Tus } from "https://releases.transloadit.com/uppy/v3.3.1/uppy.min.mjs"

Now I want to use the locale de_DE but that I only can find an example for the CDN path.
<script src="https://releases.transloadit.com/uppy/locales/v3.0.4/de_DE.min.js"></script>

in the module I can’t use the de_DE for the locale.
Is there a hint how to use locale for the script module?

Hi, the locales are published separately under it’s own version (so not the same version as the Uppy bundle).


However, I highly recommend you don’t use any bundles and install the packages through npm. Otherwise, you’re loading all plugins which is a massive bundle size.