Update AWS3 > Upload API Header

Hello :slight_smile: I used AwsS3Multipart Companion and would like to update header key (example key name: authorization)

// version: uppy@4.12.2

I鈥檇 like to update a header when calling the upload API for each file

I used awsS3Multipart.setOptions. But I couldn鈥檛 update the headers of each upload API.

cc. uppy/packages/@uppy/aws-s3/src/index.test.ts at uppy@4.12.2 路 transloadit/uppy 路 GitHub

 uppy.use(AwsS3Multipart, {
      endpoint: url,
      cookiesRule: 'include',
      headers: {
        ['authorization']: `Bearer ${token}`,
      shouldUseMultipart: true,

 uppy.addPreProcessor((fileIds) => {
      return Promise.allSettled(
        fileIds.map(async (fileId) => {
          const newToken = await callAPI()

          const awsS3Multipart = uppy.getPlugin('AwsS3Multipart')

            cookiesRule: 'include',
            headers: {
              ['authorization']: `Bearer ${newToken}`, //<-- Changed once just before upload..

          return Promise.resolve()

So, please provide an interface that can change the header of each file.