The live Uppy example has a behavior I can’t seem to replicate in my own instances of Uppy. Can anyone point me to how to replicate it?
That is, on the live example, after using a Companion plug-in like Dropbox to select files (after clicking “Select 2 files” for instance), the UI returns to the main Dashboard screen. In my local Uppy, clicking the Select button generates a notification such a “2 files selected” but it remains on the file listing plug-in screen.
I tried different combinations of flags but can’t seem to replicate the behavior. The StackBlitz example doesn’t have the same behavior. Is there maybe an event I should be using?
A related question might be: how could I change the behavior from selecting files within a plug-in screen to simply performing the upload from that screen? I.e. don’t allow users to go back to main screen before upload.
The general idea here is that it feels unintuitive to have to navigate into and out of multiple screens in order to complete imports/uploads from a Companion plug-in.