Currently I have a method that initializes Uppy to upload files, that works correctly, the problem I have is that since I have this component on a my own modal, when I open it again, a new instance is created, and if I had already opened it before and I uploaded an image, the previously uploaded files no longer appear.
I have to mention that I have the value returned by this method stored in a global variable that I can access and that is stored when I open it and close the modal.
initializeUppy() {
const uppy = new Uppy({
restrictions: {
maxNumberOfFiles: this.isUniq ? 1 : this.numberOfFiles,
minNumberOfFiles: this.isUniq ? 1 : null,
allowedFileTypes: ['image/jpeg', 'image/jpg', 'image/png']
.use(Dashboard, {
id: 'Dashboard',
target: '#uppy-container',
inline: true,
locale: this.$i18n.locale === 'es' ? Spanish : English,
note: this.note,
autoOpenFileEditor: true,
height: 525
.use(Webcam, { target: Dashboard })
.use(DropTarget, { target: '#uppy-container' })
.use(ImageEditor, {
target: Dashboard,
quality: 0.8,
cropperOptions: {
viewMode: 1,
background: false,
autoCropArea: 1,
responsive: true,
croppedCanvasOptions: {},
cropBoxResizable: false,
initialAspectRatio: this.aspectRatio,
dragMode: 'move'
actions: {
cropSquare: false,
cropWidescreen: false,
cropWidescreenVertical: false
locale: this.$i18n.locale === 'es' ? Spanish : English
uppy.on('complete', result => {
uppy.on('file-removed', (file, reason) => {
this.uppyMounted = true;
return uppy;
What I need to do is that when I reopen the modal, the previous instance will be rendered again in the #uppy-container
div, but I can’t do it since the div remains blank