Hi, thanks for the quick reply!
I did actually try transloadit:assembly-executing
but I can’t seem to get it to fire. I’m wondering if something is wrong with my usage:
// "@uppy/core": "^1.12.2",
// "@uppy/react": "^1.10.2",
// "@uppy/transloadit": "^1.6.5",
// "@uppy/tus": "^1.7.3",
const id = 'image'; // there is another uploader on the page with id video
const uppy = new Uppy({id, debug: true});
const params = {/*transloadit params*/};
const fields = [/*meta field names*/];
uppy.use(Transloadit, {
waitForEncoding: true, // to enable transloadit:complete event
waitForMetadata: false, // tried with this true too but no diff
const meta = {/*metadata*/};
watermark: watermarkFile,
image: imageFile
uppy.on('*', function () {
console.log('uppy event', this.event);
uppy.once('transloadit:assembly-executing', (assembly) => {
// this never seems to fire
// as the assembly_uploading_finished websocket message never seems to arrive
// https://github.com/transloadit/uppy/blob/6f5de4211ca9c2ea9bf8da34b80a757c31773c63/packages/%40uppy/transloadit/src/Assembly.js#L103-L105
uppy.once('transloadit:complete', (assembly) => {
// this does fire as expected
Looking closer, it seems that it never fires because the underlying assembly_uploading_finished
message is never received on the websocket.
The only websocket messages I see in the Network tab are:
assembly_result_finished (for each step)
I tried binding to the state-update
event and I see that the assembly exists in plugins.Transloadit.assemblies
and has ok
before the websocket connects.
I managed to get a hack kind-of working by looking for the first state-update
that has .ok == 'ASSEMBLY_EXECUTING'
but I realize there is another problem for my use-case when using waitForEncoding: true
which is that I no longer get upload-progress
events during the uploading. They do fire but it seems they are deferred until after the uploading has finished (?)
Here’s a log snippet that shows the order of events:
07:52:19.656 app.js:486 ******* upload
07:52:19.656 app.js:495 state-update (nothing in plugins.Transloadit.assemblies)
07:52:19.657 app.js:495 state-update (nothing in plugins.Transloadit.assemblies)
07:52:19.657 app.js:495 state-update (nothing in plugins.Transloadit.assemblies)
07:52:19.658 app.js:486 ******* preprocess-progress
07:52:19.658 app.js:495 state-update (nothing in plugins.Transloadit.assemblies)
07:52:19.659 app.js:486 ******* preprocess-progress
07:52:19.659 app.js:495 state-update (nothing in plugins.Transloadit.assemblies)
07:52:19.661 loggers.js:29 [Uppy] [07:52:19] [Transloadit] Create Assembly
07:52:20.661 app.js:495 state-update (nothing in plugins.Transloadit.assemblies)
07:52:20.661 app.js:492 state-update ASSEMBLY_EXECUTING 34109139229840228240c59242fed718
07:52:20.662 app.js:486 ******* transloadit:assembly-created
07:52:20.662 loggers.js:29 [Uppy] [07:52:20] [Transloadit] Created Assembly 34109139229840228240c59242fed718
07:52:20.662 app.js:492 state-update ASSEMBLY_EXECUTING 34109139229840228240c59242fed718
07:52:20.662 app.js:486 ******* preprocess-complete
07:52:20.663 app.js:492 state-update ASSEMBLY_EXECUTING 34109139229840228240c59242fed718
07:52:20.663 app.js:486 ******* preprocess-complete
07:52:20.679 app.js:492 state-update ASSEMBLY_EXECUTING 34109139229840228240c59242fed718
07:52:20.679 loggers.js:29 [Uppy] [07:52:20] [Tus] Uploading...
07:52:20.680 app.js:492 state-update ASSEMBLY_EXECUTING 34109139229840228240c59242fed718
07:52:20.680 app.js:486 ******* upload-started
07:52:20.682 app.js:492 state-update ASSEMBLY_EXECUTING 34109139229840228240c59242fed718
07:52:20.682 app.js:486 ******* upload-started
07:52:20.818 loggers.js:29 [Uppy] [07:52:20] [Transloadit] Socket is ready
07:52:20.903 app.js:492 state-update ASSEMBLY_EXECUTING 34109139229840228240c59242fed718
07:52:20.904 app.js:486 ******* transloadit:result
07:52:20.941 loggers.js:29 [Uppy] [07:52:20] [Tus] Storing upload url
07:52:20.941 app.js:492 state-update ASSEMBLY_EXECUTING 34109139229840228240c59242fed718
07:52:20.942 app.js:492 state-update ASSEMBLY_EXECUTING 34109139229840228240c59242fed718
07:52:20.943 app.js:492 state-update ASSEMBLY_EXECUTING 34109139229840228240c59242fed718
07:52:20.943 app.js:486 ******* progress
07:52:20.944 app.js:486 ******* upload-progress
07:52:21.014 loggers.js:29 [Uppy] [07:52:21] [Tus] Storing upload url
07:52:21.014 app.js:492 state-update ASSEMBLY_EXECUTING 34109139229840228240c59242fed718
07:52:21.015 app.js:486 ******* upload-progress
07:52:21.066 app.js:486 ******* upload-progress
07:52:21.145 app.js:486 ******* upload-progress
07:52:21.360 app.js:486 ******* upload-progress
07:52:21.361 app.js:492 state-update ASSEMBLY_EXECUTING 34109139229840228240c59242fed718
07:52:21.361 app.js:492 state-update ASSEMBLY_EXECUTING 34109139229840228240c59242fed718
I’m not sure if this could be somehow related to the other question I posted here:
Is there something I should change about my usage or is maybe a bug here?
Whew thanks!