GooglePhotosPicker TS error

I am getting a typescript error when I try to use GooglePhotosPicker according to the documentation

.use(GooglePhotosPicker, {
companionUrl: companionUrl,
clientId: ‘From Google Developer Console’,
the error–

Argument of type ‘typeof GooglePhotosPicker’ is not assignable to parameter of type ‘{ new (uppy: Uppy<Meta, Record<string, never>>, opts?: any): BasePlugin<any, Meta, Record<string, never>, Record<string, unknown>>; prototype: BasePlugin<…>; }’.
Types of construct signatures are incompatible.
Type ‘new <M extends Meta & { width: number; height: number; }, B extends Body>(uppy: Uppy<M, B>, opts: GooglePhotosPickerOptions) => GooglePhotosPicker<M, B>’ is not assignable to type ‘new (uppy: Uppy<Meta, Record<string, never>>, opts?: any) => BasePlugin<any, Meta, Record<string, never>, Record<string, unknown>>’.
Types of parameters ‘uppy’ and ‘uppy’ are incompatible.
Type ‘Uppy<Meta, Record<string, never>>’ is not assignable to type ‘Uppy<Meta & { width: number; height: number; }, Record<string, never>>’.
The types of ‘opts.meta’ are incompatible between these types.
Type ‘Meta’ is not assignable to type ‘Meta & { width: number; height: number; }’.
Type ‘Meta’ is missing the following properties from type ‘{ width: number; height: number; }’: width, heightts(2345)
(alias) class GooglePhotosPicker<M extends Meta & { width: number; height: number; }, B extends Body>
import GooglePhotosPicker

I encountered this too and opened the following issue to flag it: GooglePhotosPicker causing Typescript 2345 error, "Types of parameters 'uppy' and 'uppy' are incompatible." · Issue #5547 · transloadit/uppy · GitHub

I wonder - is anyone using GooglePhotosPicker successfully in current latest version? @yoslupa did you find a solution?

Fix here: Fix TS generics on new Google Picker plugins by Murderlon · Pull Request #5550 · transloadit/uppy · GitHub