Request is used to create a new upload resource. The header is the following:
Tus-Resumable: 1.0.0
Upload-Length: 375
Content-Length: 0
Upload-Metadata: filename d29ybGRfZG9taW5hdGlvbl9wbGFuLnBkZg==
The server response is the following:
StatusCode = 200 (OK)
Location: /upload/24e533e02ec3bc40c387f1a0e460e216
The expected result:
StatusCode = 201 (Created)
Location: /upload/24e533e02ec3bc40c387f1a0e460e216
Any ideas why the server returns 200 instead of 201?
Thank you.
NOTE: I am using the client ‘tus-dotnet-client’.
If you don’t control the server, then you should raise this as a bug report to the server’s administrators. Maybe they can relay this report to the developers behind their tus servers.
Some clients accept any 2XX status code for responses, even though the spec requires a 201. The tus-dotnet-client does not seem to do this and errors out for non-201. You could try to report this to its author or to fix the bug on your own.
There is no switch in the tus protocol controlling whether a 200 or 201 is returned.